Friendster, yes it’s my first word.
From the era of the ever growing Online Social Interaction (OSI), Friendster quickly sought a place to establish on the web. Founded March 2002, supposedly it was really meant for online dating. – Trivial; Enough, Well apparently it is one of the big hits in Social Networking, as for me, because it’s one of the reason why OSI of today is not only famous but becoming vigorously part of our daily lifestyle. The convenience of interacting with family, friends and colleagues, long lost friends, friends that are far away from home or rooms away, maybe some famous celebrities or icons. These are all people who just simply sign up and create their account of course and start to interact socially, “the internet style”, or virtually. It became a fad, or a conventional lifestyle, you’re not filling the trend if you do not know these kinds of stuff nowadays and one thing, some would consider you a bum or a two toned vagabond, maybe? Naah It is the kind of labeling you get for not being in line on the trend (crazy people). So in other words you’ve got to have one, it’s mandatory, you don’t want to be labeled, right?
Facebook - Yes, Facebook is here, facebook is there, facebook is in your laptop, computers, tablets, mobiles. facebook knows the world, facebook has all the information, facebook is in your hands, facebook is in your pocket. Trivia: Launched in February 2004, founded by Mark Zuckerburg as we all know it. The membership was limited only for Harvard students and was then expanded to other universities in the U.S and look how it is growing today. Facebook or is it worthy calling it the Primal God of social networking, as of now or an innovated socio-public web masterpiece made to perfection? - is growing into the lives of many. It is setting its standard, it is being used on a daily basis, it moves people, it generates a lifestyle, moods or anything or everything. Double the convenience, take the word “instant” and change it to “online” pfff whoalla. Post a picture, post your status, post anything, like it, leave a comment, share it blah blah blah in short it gives the perfect definition for (OSI) Online Social Interaction or Mark Zuckerberg is filthy rich.
On my core “perspective”, Social Networking is not that bad and it’s not that good either. This is where the action comes, when some unusual or bad habits are happening. When the tipping point of irritation reached a defying scale, when internet bullying is there, when words are starting to hurt you, or when you encounter words that you are not suppose to be reading nonetheless but of course we have eyes and we know how to read, right, or when a person wrote some harsh or expletive words while covertly pertaining to someone without mentioning their names of course in which the writer is aware of obviously, obliquely pointing their fingers in the air (people fix yourselves!), or maybe sharing what you feel right now if you’re happy or sad as the rich people. For the hopeless romantic, in-love people - where you can get your daily dose of love facts. Quote people - where you can fill your daily needs of inspirations, the religious people – where you’ll be guided. Chain pictures, chain letters, fast food chains some none-sense chains where you will be force to like it or share it because the picture said so or sometimes the picture is saying that something bad will happen to you or curse you if you don’t share it or like it or the other way around! @&*^watdaf!. Anyway, moving on, according to this website (Thank you) I bet some of you won’t agree with this or won’t even bother reading this, considering you’re an avid, addicted, Facebook user.
Twitter - enough of the trivia alright – third amongst of what I so called Social Gremlin Berserkers, twitter is “wordy” of them all. Here you’ll get to read only post or descriptions or whatever the user would post or link. It is literally literal (???) and not only that, your post are limited in 140 characters, so basically here, the definition for your post are peerlessly described in 140 characters, Topping it up – think before you right (Now pictures can be uploaded too).
Nitty-gritty; Substantial to this is be responsible. Remember that the way you pronounce or approach a word is absolutely different from the other, which could “possibly” cause a scrambling definition to your writings or post. Be aware, be more conscious. Aside, there will always be tip-top, up to snuff and cons in mingling with these social hobbits. It’s all up to you anyway.
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