Thursday, December 20, 2012

YEAR ENDER: My Techiare

Hands up!
It is when i am too ready and  prepared to write an article where the intellectual scarce strikes. Its like a freezing moment in our brain. I have to squeeze it hard enough to juice a single word. I haven't been writing or even picking up my pencil for quite a while now, my last article was way back three months ago and that was August, though i posted it only for a limited time because its little personal and controversial maybe, for me. Moving on.
I got myself back reading my past journals, and somehow I noticed the words and quite astonished. I got to ask myself, "where the F did you get these words anyway?". When a person is suffering from severe stress due to thinking excessively, her mind begins to create random scenarios of things that probably might have happen or would have happen or should have happen. There is a constant chaos wobbling our mind and somehow lately becomes the reason why we can't get enough sleep at night, lose your appetite, easily get irritated and many more other reasons. Our mental and psychological behavior is emphatically responsible for our present being. Our action towards the human connection is enormously affected. I was once venturing and loitering in that whole inter-galactic space heaven, if i can call it that way, and its not that bad, Its that part where you make mistakes or being sorry for your actions. And again i never get tired of saying this; We only learn from our greatest mistakes. What you are right now and what you have for now came from your past in whatever that may be, maybe you lost someone, you lost your parents, you lost your home because of a calamity, lost your kids, you don't have your money your broke, you lost your love, sabotaged, broken-hearted  and so much more. All these shaped you in what you have to be in your tomorrows journey. And these are all made by choice. You may succeed or fail but wherever you are, however you stand and whatever you have, its all because you have your own share of struggle. And this short writing is all i can do to preserve the memories and keep my sanity. These are gonna be my souvenirs from now and after, the memories of our lifetime. 

Again i have to ask, how's your life now? Apparently after asking this question to myself, i got a little smile that suddenly form out of nowhere, a little grin or this rapture that is surprisingly unknown but definitely you can feel it inside fumbling and tickling you in every corners. Maybe i am happy. Yezzur i am! But here's another question; "So, what makes you happy?". My answer? Maybe because things are more simple now. No fancy clothes, no make-ups. Just a pure-lucid, natural, crystal clear loving relationship with your family and friends which makes living highly refreshing. This makes you even want to live more than a hundred years. Just simply being with your family and loved ones, priceless.

There are only 5 Days left before Christmas and the end of the world is nearing, well that's according to the Mayan's prophecy. And i am not really interested with this "end of the world" thing, i don't believe it unless its there or its happening maybe. Further on, another year has about to end, 2013 is just around the bend and i guess this is gonna be my last journal for this year. It has been a year for me, 2012 did surprise me, lot of things to mention, but one of the highlight is when your forced to close a door in your life but suddenly someone would knock and without even noticing you already open the door and let them in to your life. I've seen myself to the lowest point, I've been dragged down and knocked out to some instance, then i realize what i am capable of doing, but chances and hope didn't stop streaming, a small fire burning was left and its quite enough to ignite and start a huge flame. No more proverbial complications and heartaches. This is simply the life, the life your about to build, the life you choose, the life in younger and olden years. This is the turning point of life, where realization meets reality, where you begin to open your windows and let the sunlit nourish battered grounds.

Just a short story; We have this Tea boy in the office, his name is Suman. He's from Bangladesh. He makes tea or coffee for me every single morning and afternoon, never did he missed. Sometimes were caught in a situation where sign language is so effective. So literary we can't understand each other that well. He would simply knock on my door, gave me the tea he prepared and leave the room so quickly. So i came up to this idea of teaching him some basic words so that we could start a little conversation. The good thing is he's eager to learn, Sometime he would pick up the pen and start writing some sentences or phrase for me to check if there is something wrong. So basically i was like his teacher. So this thing went on and on till now. The greatest feeling is when you pay things forward through small act of kindness. Sharing what you have and knowing that they'll benefit in the long run is so rewarding and overwhelming. It ignites the true passion of kindness and giving. I can say he's one of the highlight of my 2012.

This spell as "Franco - Sir -my techiare" 
                  -maybe im not that good at spelling?

For the wrap, i would like to thank each and everyone who made me what i am right now, my lovely family, friends, and everyone who surrounded me with love and eternal care. We can all say it was a one fantastic full of surprise year for us. Thank you for this blog, thank you friends and lovers, boys and girls.

And of course, Thank you mii dear for the BIG SMILE you placed in my heart, you know that. Thank you thank you thank you and thank you God.

"All that glimmering sparkle that our eyes once sought will always leave a picture in our hearts that will forever embrace and enlighten every single stroke of corners we bleed"

Sunday, September 23, 2012


"There will always be a reason to pick up your pencil and start creating!" - Francorigor

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Life: Juice

The past weeks were quite abominable for me. I was on the verge of breaking down. I was thinking heavily, i was asking countless questions of why. I can't write anything on this blog, i can't finish writing a song, my imagination despoils in substantial amount. Everything is blocked. Never once in my entire life felt like this.
This is different this is not my standard. This is something new, for now.

What is your standard?
People all around the world have their own sets of standards. From the way they dress, how they talk, how they socialize with others, on their food, on their booze and a lot more. What you usually prefer is a standard. What you usually choose is a standard. Standard can somehow be the typical. The norms. Trending.  Its conventional as i always say. Its everyday, quite nothing new, its just the way how you do and decipher things that makes it different but somehow still the same. Standard is evolving. It is in a constant motion. From the way the telephone rings from monotone to polytone to full mp3 format. From cordless to wireless. From a steam locomotive to a bullet rail. From film to digital. From resistive to capacitive. Standard is never affix to permanent. It has a timeline. Every little thing that relatively makes its way to the standard level hits a centriole. In some ways it becomes a gist. It never failed to go mainstream. It is a one hit wonder. So what is your standard or maybe, what is your standard now?

Our age reflects our standards.
You cannot act like a baby when you're in your 50's, well if you do, something is definitely wrong. You might be experiencing some adult behavioral mental mishaps, or maybe you want something new like you never felt so kid even though you're 50, or you started chewing and sucking your thumb on your senior years. Very odd. Its not so normal. Why? because it's not suitable for your age and its not on the standard. When you're in your 50's generation, you're supposed to be acting like a parent, a mother or a father to your kids. You're supposed to be acting a role model for the younger generation. Why? Because this is the one suitable for your age and this is the standard. 

Raising the questions.
These are few questions i ask. Why are they set as standards? Who told them to be the standard? They aren't written anywhere. There is no logic. I shouldn't be asking...

The Juice
If you're gonna think of all the things, all the details, all the twist, all the configurations, all the technicality, all the specifications, all the hows, all the who, all the why, all the fractions, all the components and the entire blah blah blah of life i promise you one thing, you will never ever be happy with your life.
Many people are oppressed because of the standards of the world. Like they have no other choice than what is on the market, "everybody's going to boracay, i should go to", "everybody is shopping online, i should try it", "everybody's buying their ipad, i should get one". Sometimes whats happening isn't you anymore. You are being manipulated by the standards that surrounds you. Have you ever reach the point of realization that you have your own life? 
Learning not just Surviving: you are not only surviving life, instead there should be wisdom earned, there should be dreams to fantasize, there should be colors to purify.  
Loving not just Living: We don't simply live, we gotta pour a lotta lovin' on these.
Caring not just Sharing: If you care enough, your sharing enough, so why am i saying this? There is a thin line between sharing because you "want to" and sharing because you "need to". I say, care enough because you "have to".  
Breathing not just Helping: We love to help others, kindness and generosity are presently admire to each of us. We're taking every single responsibilities, sometimes we even reach the point of irritation where we start complaining and giving up because of these responsibilities. Somehow, its not a healthy practice of self righteousness. Breath the life, make it lasts and show sincerity to others.

Standard life
What is a standard life? First off, your mother carries you in her womb for 9 months, gave birth to you, raised you and feed you, thought you your first word, thought you how to walk, put you up in school, graduated, enter college and got the degree, apply for a work, got married, raised your own children, get older, play with your grandsons and daughters, become a grandfather, died. 
This is like a manual for having a standard life, a good checklist before you enter humanism i guess.
           For me - i was raised by my parents, thought me my first word. thought me how to walk, went to school, got the diploma but didn't accomplish a degree. From this point i can say i am not living the standard way anymore, i missed the manual i forgot the checklist. I am not yet married hence i don't even have any "girlfriend". A relationship with me wasn't that quite good, yezzer, maybe its the reason i don't have a girlfriend right now??? Let me tell a story. I have a past relationship where things have to end without any clear answers. It came to the point where i have to stop loving a person who is very dearly to me, i have to stop caring, so crucial, a rejection was so sweet i didn't notice a knife was already stabbed. Why? i was asking this, why, simple, it was labeled WRONG. PERIOD. The punches i took without warning. In the end she has to say that we have to accept these things, she even told me that these are nothing compare to what she felt before. So i have no right to complain. I was completely in silence. There isn't any right word to describe how much it felt. I'm off for word, blocked and lost for a while. I was hurt & it was accompanied by sorry. I was harshly blaming myself. I realize that hurting people wasn't really that complicated and hard. One decision is enough. Like congratulation you just broke someones heart. anyway..
This is not a standard relationship, maybe not an ideal? Maybe it wasn't meant to be? wrong place at the wrong time? Furthermore, moving on, since there is no marriage yet, ill be growing old as part of the checklist and later soon die. I don't have these serious conventional way of life, not only me and that's for sure. I'm not the stereotype. You don't get to hear my song on a daily fm radio basis. I am not standard. 

(Maraming stir sa mundo.) trans. The world is full of activities, excitement, agitations, commotions, fuzzes and turmoils. There are so many pouring questions unanswered, others do find solution, others neglect them, some are still struggling, few lost their hopes, others question their faith, question themselves, question their family, question their wife, their husbands looking for some answer. You don't have to know all these answers in life. Seeking answer is a definite waste of time, instead why not enjoy your family, your loved ones, your wife, your husband, kids & your parents. They are essentially irreplaceable. They are perfectly tailor- fitted God given tax free labeled standard. Its true that the best things in life are free. As long as you know what you want in life, as long as you acknowledge all the people that surrounds you with love, as long as you don't hurt others, as long as you have strong faith, determination, courage & will, you wont be placing your bet on the standard table. You will be free from all of those agitations, worries and cumbersome.

So what is my basis for standard?
Set your life with your own standard.
Don't be fooled by advertising, marketing even with your boss.
Prioritize your craft. Improve your craft
Eat, Drink, Jump, Play, Pray, Sleep, Love, Sing,Work, Learn & Earn.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Finding Happiness

        How are you? How is your life now? Are you enjoying life now than before? These are few questions you may ask yourself, some sort of a  personal post-evaluation. There have been an indefinite changes in my life, some were good and some just instantly  happen without any tough reasons. I think its quite healthy at least once in a while to re-assess, to re-calibrate our directions and see if things are going the way we want them to be. How? Try asking yourself first, are you "HAPPY"? HAPPINESS - If you're going to search the internet about "how to be happy", you'll surely find numerous and countless results, like those "7 steps on how", "9 steps to be more", "10 instant keys to be" or some "20 simple ways". though internet is quite an unorthodox way in search for your happiness. (honestly i tried it several times,geeez) Literally, happiness comes in various rarities and some in particular package or sometimes we simply can't see or appreciate it whilst happiness is already inside ourselves lurking through the empty cell of sadness finding its way to your darkness and deploying itself as it extract the seed of delightfulness and joy providing rich crop towards a wealthy harvest of peace and harmony in every individual. But still we can't appreciate its existence. Why? Happiness is a choice. Simply if you choose to be happy you'll be happy, if you choose to smile you'll laugh. Our mind has the power to greatly achieve anything it desires.

These are several and personal thoughts how i define and want to define happiness:

Pay it Forward. I was really inspired by this movie. (must watch) So i said to myself, i think there is nothing wrong using the same idea. If someone grant you a favor you will definitely pay that favor back to him, right? but this time we'll pay HAPPINESS, "forward", instead of paying it back. We'll escape from the conventional "you make me happy so i will make you happy too" tenet. I think its worth trying, quite eccentric but its guaranteed fulfilling if you succeed.

Guaranty your Satisfaction. Be honest to yourself. We can "always" easily say, "yes i'm cool with that", "yes its fine like that", "yes i'm ok", but you are not. Sometimes we tend to say these things just to please other people, which is wrong. We shouldn't change ourselves for their sake. Please yourself first. It may sound selfish but bringing out the prime and the most in you makes you inimitable. Its when you show the real rainbows in you where you will be accepted for your goodness, uniqueness and simply just the way you are.

Give up on some things. If there is no reason to fight, give up. If there is no affection in love, give up. If things are becoming complicated, give up. If there is no definition, give up. If its already affecting your health, give up. There is absolutely nothing wrong accepting defeat. Accepting loss. Accepting grief. Such simple way, but the most heart-disintegrating experience. A sure fire memory marker that is vestige in our soul's surface. Yet we have to give in sometimes no matter and how much these things makes you ecstatic. Nothing is permanent. Even your deepest emotion is not permanent. Let go of the things that are holding you back because our time is so critical. We can't waste our time figuring out every little details in life. Let go,give up and stop asking questions that are impossible to answer. The more we dig deeper in to some conclusions the more complicated life can be. Let these baffles in our mind create an expedient and meaningful cohesive guidance towards our self mental and physical development. Learn from these fumbles.
Destination is not  Always Happiness. Its not how you reach rather its about how you enjoy the path before you reach. Its always good when we have our own goals in life, dreams to fulfill and plans for the future. Definitely if your a man with a mission or a man filled with raging ideas, these dreams, goals and plans are so essential to you. They are your directions. They will move your life. Why am i saying these? i have plans, i have dreams and goals to score, but some of them haven't happen yet, well in the right time i'm sure. I have reached some destinations but few to mention. Some of my plans are still being drawn into the paper, some are being erased and edited before executing. I have dreams, i have already focused my eyes on them but sometimes my sights are getting hazy. Not that i don't have a clear idea of what i really want in life or some would say "you're not yet man enough to stand for any decisions", but changes are inevitable. I can change, you can change, path and directions may change so likely your plans and goals might change as well. So i suggest to stick to the present path. Whatever path you have right now is the only path you should enrich. You have to focus on this path, and never forget to have fun along the path. I can't go beyond these whole repertoire of incessant rounds of hypothesis. These are few of life's infinite intuitions. They are nothing new. They have existed before the existence of the existent exist. All am saying is try to enjoy the journey before you reach the destination, who knows we might not even reach our destination but at least we experience vast and perpetual happiness along the way. Have fun.

Cry for sadness Smile for Happiness.  There is a perfect time for everything. Never hold back if your time is flourishing at the moment because that is the perfect arrival of a given chance and you may never see or even glimpse a piece of it someday. Happy moments happens on perfect time, if there's no sign of stopping then don't stop enjoy until it lasts. There's a time for grief, there is a time for sorrow, there is time for tears and when you feel like crying and bursting into tears, cry, because that is the perfect moment for grieving. That is the perfect time for wiping our tears. Act accordingly. We are sensitive being or social creatures, what others do affect us. Our feelings and emotions are well affixed to our humanness . Cry if you feel like crying and dance if you like moving.

STOP looking for happiness. Yes it is on the internet. It could be on your facebook, on your twitter etc.. Maybe its on your new clothes or inside your new shoes. Maybe it is on your mobile phone, maybe it is installed on your applications. Maybe its on your laptop, or your ipad, or your ipod. Maybe its on your new Beats Headphone. Maybe its on your SLR camera?. These can give us happiness. All these things. All these stuffs, but what if you're getting some harsh insulting post to your facebook? Or getting bad feeds on your twitter? What if your new clothes and shoes started to fade out? What if your laptop overheated and explode? What if your apple gadgets were faced out? What if Beats headphones become promotional items and are included in every single gadgets?
These are material things we want in life. They give us "temporary" happiness. These are priced possession. Price, which means money is immensely involve. "MONEY". Money can give you everything you want, specifically material things. Money is vital, we use it in able to sustain our daily needs of foods and water and shelter and so on. Therefore having lots of money means tons of happiness. YES!, but only for a while, temporal as i said. So money is not the answer for us to be happy. Happiness is already inside us, in our heart in our mind and in to our soul. Into our family, brothers and sisters, to our children and nephews, What they share and offer is already happiness, their presence and smiles are perfectly handcrafted to deliver a fresh inspiration we need to survive our daily struggle. They are priceless, they come in handy. 
And they are the best things you could have in your life. Family, Loved ones and friends. Ones you have them, you'll definitely stop looking in the internet. :)

Eat, Drink and Learn. This is my aphorism in life. Always try to feel your food, as much as possible eat slowly. Remember food only taste good in your mouth and when it goes down its entirely a different story. Drink but not to the point where you'll get drunk (sometimes yes) ;) and do these all with gladness, with passion and joy in your heart. Learn from every single experience in your life. They are your definition.

These are not steps on how to be happy. These are some of my personal thoughts. Life is a constant struggle, they come in various indefinite proportion. We don't even know what life has to offer, countless uncertainties, numerous complications. But asking yourself why my life is like this is a complete waste of time. Achieving perpetual happiness lies in every individual. Follow your path, be at your passion, share what you can offer, be good and avoid hurting people.   
I don't even know if tomorrows coming. But i am always thankful every single day.
Happiness is having fun and enjoying every given chance of living your present. We all have our purpose and your purpose is living the life you have now.


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Slambook: P.S I Love You

     I have to take a deep breath before writing this, hence LOVE, aha yes it is, LOVE. Have you been in love? Have you been hurt because of this LOVE thing? Geeez there is so much, let me rephrase it "SO MUCH" topic,fiddles and faddles in the internet regarding these deep interstate-ultra-mega phenomenon perplex yet profound called LOVE. Sh*t, as much as i want, i really don't prefer writing these topics here. I feel like i am writing my own slambook or something or answering, "who is your first kiss"?- my mom (yes all of us answered that) (Madedeadz ung hindi :) Who is your first Love? then all of us would humbly answer, God. Right? And most of the time honestly i enjoy answering, "What is your motto in life?".  Its a tricky question, you can either answer it in a humane approach or sometimes on a humble approach, "TIME IS GOLD, SO NOBODY IS PERFECT" hmmmm or maybe sneaking on the next page because maybe some of your friends had already finish answering their slambook so you could peak into their mottos. So these were the times where you start developing your emotional awareness, when you start to value the emotional being that you are and what you are, thus i am not saying it will all start on a slambook. At a very young age we already have that feeling, the sense of being loved, valued and cared. We aren't that much aware of it because on a young stage these sensible feelings are being spoon-fed by our family, our mother and father, sisters and brothers, friends and "LOVERS"? that was sooner than i expected :) But from the moment you start sharing it, or giving it, you will become wiser, more wiser. There is an effective emotion that will certainly alarm your senses, when to give and how to receive.

FAMILY, What is a family? On my own perspective view, This is the initial lineage were ones present personality reflect. This is your sanctuary where you are being nurtured and cultivated by good aspects and moral values. It is where you can be imperfect and still be loved. We have to bring forth in our mind that these our so called family, is the one responsible for what we are today, what you are today and wherever you are right now. LOVE is already here.

LIFE. What is life? What is your life all about? How is your life now? How do you deal with your daily life? Is your life good? How terrible is your life now? Is your life filled with over-flowing complications? You may have some of these questions bothering you right now. And how are these connected to love if love is all about giving, caring, sharing or the other way around? "INDIVIDUALITY". How much do you love yourself?  How much do you pay attention to yourself? How much are you willing to sacrifice just to satisfy yourself? How much can you trust yourself? How's the relationship between you and your soul? Yes, everyone is saying that you must learn to love yourself first before sharing it, really it was design that way, because you won't feel that love to others if you don't love yourself in the first place,right? Its natural. It's nothing new under the sun. Life has a lot to do with love. It is a decisive, substantial ingredient. Love won't exist without it.

SOCIETY  is in a constant motion. What is the connection between society and Love? You will meet people, bond with trends influencing yourself and tasting colors that blends between the you and me. This is an introduction to the outer glaze of human connection, where society jives along your misguided freshly path towards a bona fide social interaction. It plays a big role. How will you accept the society or how will you be accepted by the society. The connection between the outside world and yourself.  There are only two things, either, you will be loved or hated because of your actions.

DELIGHTFULNESS. Anyone who feels loved, valued or cared is delighted. There is an apperceive tenderness of soothe and joy when you are in love.(nakanaman) It gives the soul a vibrant positivity of flowing bold ideas. Love is pleasant, charming, dandy, alluring, refreshing, satisfying and everything. Such this could offer us all those wonderful things. (it really feels like im writing like a kid) How sweet it is to feel loved. How colorful your life would be if your existence is bountiful with it. Who doesn't want to be loved?

SADNESS. If love is abundant, absolutely there is pain, sorrows or tears, bitterness on so on. When you lost someone, when someone just left you, when someone didn't give back the love you deserve. How will these situations affect your personality? How will you handle grief? How will you face a crowded room full of expectations? A simple question resides on HOW? Every little bit of it is HOW.

ACCEPTANCE. Nothing more nothing less. It is the hardest part.  YEZZER it is.

CHOICES. From the famous author Paul Arden. There is no such thing as "wrong decision". Life is all about decisions. Whatever decision you make is the only one you could make, otherwise you would make a different one. Everything we do we choose. So what is there to regret? You are the person you choose to be.

LEARN-EDUCATE. So now we have to feed our mind. This is part of LIFE, growing as an INDIVIDUAL, full of LOVE and DELIGHTNESS, ACCEPTING grief and SADNESS, CHOOSING and DECIDING, and LEARNING from the parable of this SOCIETY.
So what is LOVE  There will always be questions surrounding this prominent high rise or the other way rubbish and gibberish word LOVE. It'll never end. It is infinite, it is loyal, it is betrayal, it is greedy-selfish, it is generously-abundant. 

So how can you tell a person that you love her/him so much?
     Its easy, ill start it, by saying I LOVE YOU!, to define, you will always be the center of my being, where my soul and mind had brought me, to cherish the chance of defining my forever. i want you to be happy not to the extent of time you are only given, instead to be happy along the journey. 

Well that's for me. What's yours? :)

FACTAL: By the time you finish saying "I LOVE YOU", about 20,000 cells in your body will have died and been replaced with new ones.
So. I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU ALL that is equivalent to 40,000 now.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


"Eyes Should Go"

Artist: francorigor
:0n board - Oil Pastel
May 29 2012

"It may seem so fine yet a single string is only intertwine" - francorigor

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I Can See Clearly:The Eulogy

         Listening to Athlete's black swan got me crawling down on my sensitive side and hit my emotion big time. The singer/songwriter Joel Pott dedicate this song to his late grandfather in which i imagine also singing this song to my late grandfather. Losing someone who has been so special in your life, who has been so kind, who has been there for u is like the most greatest unfair reality treatment of life. A traumatic scene. We can't do anything about these uncertain things, these are all part of our lives connected in random circumstances which you never wish to happen of course, part of which life's inconvenient truth. We are all vulnerable, we are all candidates and nobody is granted with immunity. Some people can handle it thus for others often leaves a traumatic experience and having a hard time moving on. My Grandfather was about to celebrate his 90th birthday a month before he passed away. He served as a local (Barangay) council official several years and quite gain the respect to many people. A little too far away from their home, mother could only take us to their house several times every month. Few of stories i can tell about his younger years but unequivocally can i say his a good guy, a good person, a good friend. Someone whom you can share your jokes and laughter whenever your around. Some of what i remember; Few times he was bought to the hospital because of his heart. His heart started to weaken due to his age and before that i can tell you he's still firing up some cigarettes. A cigarette brand named "Champion" was his brand and later switch to "Fortune" (cigarette talks). Some part of his body also started  relapsing. His left eyelid fold started to close by itself, maybe because of his age some muscles or nerve did stop functioning though both of his eyes were still good. He would sometime make fun of by lifting it with his thumb and index finger and at the same time while twitching it he would say ("MANAKIT YA PA NAMAN") means "i can still see".
-I told him before i went here in uae that "i did some portrait drawings of you", and he just smile and laugh like appreciating. Before i leave Philippines i gave him my work, put it in a frame, signed in and placed the date. What really caught his attention while staring at my drawing was his left eye, first he ask me ("IKA BA ING GINAWA KETI?") means" are you the one who made this?, then i answered ("OPO YAKU PO") yes i did, then he said ("IKA PALA ING GINAWA OT ALI ME PA SELESE ITANG MATA KU ADYANG KING LITRATU MU") means "Your the one who made this but why didn't you try fixing the eyes? so that it'll look good, even in pictures only?", it was a laughing moment for us.
-I told him that i'm gonna miss him and that we'll see again after two years and that you always stay strong which i know he is, Before i leave i gently embrace him once again in his bamboo chair with his back quite on a stooped  position, whispering ("PASIKAN KAYU HA") means Be Strong - Neither that i thought, it was our last conversation, it was the last embrace, It was the last encounter. It was the last moment we were together, barely It was the last of the last.
It was one of the most inconsolable morning call from my mom as she grieves telling me that, "he just passed away". Knowing the chance and probabilities of attending his funeral is too low. Our distance kept us back down on our feet lamented and dismay.
We will always remember you apo (lolo), you will always live inside us your grandsons and daughters. Our Mentor, Our Counselor. Yezzer Your Definitely a miss. 

Sunday, April 29, 2012


       Mistakes are inevitable whilst sometimes you are already doing good things but others aren't aware of or maybe no one is. It was one hell of a busy office week for me, Stress is just around the bend. We have taken numbers of orders for production while in the other hand we only have one machine and one men, luckily that is me, yes it is. Several productions were finished on time while the rest is still on pensile working its way to the production table. I don't know maybe i'm just a little too racist working with these specific "peoplessss". It always feels like your in a crowded train and definitely cannot fall. But i did, i fell, i made mistakes, i'm not perfect, i'm not the machine and definitely i am not a machine. If you could criticize the work quality beyond any doubts i can say its a two thumbs up, well that's for me. But the thing is i had and did made mistakes, to rephrase, and that single mistake is enough to preempt and make things quite too lethal confound ,acknowledging numerous inputs of brain stellars and stumbled jargons. How come a false action be easily recognize compare to a good deed? If your doing good no one could even remember or appreciate you? But if you stumble upon a single mistake its a blah blah blah blah blah wooooooooooooooooooords.
       How do i think of things like these?  Am i crazy enough to think and react like these? I thought mistakes are inevitable? Thus can i say that making a mistake is absolutely fine and the word sorry can do its work? Or maybe i am a sensitive jerk that all things does matter to me or maybe a complicated douchebag. Maybe i am afraid to make the same mistake twice? Or rather just simply learn from this mistakes. Learning is free and if sorry is abundantly rich and profuse with convalescent power against each mistakes i guess learning wont be that hard. From this we should always learn, learn learn learn and learn i think its only the best way to handle mistakes and prove you really exist in these axis of life. Just learn.

       We are what we can become. Ours is a process, and our becoming is our ontic possibility of becoming. Human existence is a project, in which past and present are subordinate to future, is the main residence of our existence, because it is the north of our projection of ourselves. “Human existence cannot have a relationship with being unless it remains in the midst of nothingness.”  (M. Heidegger)

"SOMETIMES" as in "SOMETIMES" its better to feel or be dead for a while to realize that you are really breathing. (F. Rigor)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Can u Fly

in silence we speak
in darkness i weap
plunge into your sorrows
of morning tears i borrow

artist: f rigor
plain sketch on white paper

Sunday, March 25, 2012


"off to the moons surface, borrows the naked eye so helpless"
Artist: francorigor
-on board oil pastel
March 2012

...let me know what spring is like on jupiter and mars,
in other words hold my hand"

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


*on board oil pastel
Artist :francorigor
March 2012

Mushrooms that glooms,
Wave like toons,
Sunny and bright,
on Glimmering skylights

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


       Out from my usual sketch and my daily dose of monotonous drapes of swirling floral vector intakes @ the office - i need some colors in my eyes. So i bought myself some colored pencil and here's what i got -

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Cyber Actioning

           Friendster, yes it’s my first word.
From the era of the ever growing Online Social Interaction (OSI), Friendster quickly sought a place to establish on the web. Founded March 2002, supposedly it was really meant for online dating. – Trivial; Enough, Well apparently it is one of the big hits in Social Networking, as for me, because it’s one of the reason why OSI of today is not only famous but becoming vigorously part of our daily lifestyle. The convenience of interacting with family, friends and colleagues, long lost friends, friends that are far away from home or rooms away, maybe some famous celebrities or icons. These are all people who just simply sign up and create their account of course and start to interact socially, “the internet style”, or virtually. It became a fad, or a conventional lifestyle, you’re not filling the trend if you do not know these kinds of stuff nowadays and one thing, some would consider you a bum or a two toned vagabond, maybe? Naah It is the kind of labeling you get for not being in line on the trend (crazy people). So in other words you’ve got to have one, it’s mandatory, you don’t want to be labeled, right?
           Facebook - Yes, Facebook is here, facebook is there, facebook is in your laptop, computers, tablets, mobiles. facebook knows the world, facebook has all the information, facebook is in your hands, facebook is in your pocket. Trivia: Launched in February 2004, founded by Mark Zuckerburg as we all know it. The membership was limited only for Harvard students and was then expanded to other universities in the U.S and look how it is growing today. Facebook or is it worthy calling it the Primal God of social networking, as of now or an innovated socio-public web masterpiece made to perfection? - is growing into the lives of many. It is setting its standard, it is being used on a daily basis, it moves people, it generates a lifestyle, moods or anything or everything. Double the convenience, take the word “instant” and change it to “online” pfff whoalla. Post a picture, post your status, post anything, like it, leave a comment, share it blah blah blah in short it gives the perfect definition for (OSI) Online Social Interaction or Mark Zuckerberg is filthy rich.

            On my core “perspective”, Social Networking is not that bad and it’s not that good either. This is where the action comes, when some unusual or bad habits are happening. When the tipping point of irritation reached a defying scale, when internet bullying is there, when words are starting to hurt you, or when you encounter words that you are not suppose to be reading nonetheless but of course we have eyes and we know how to read, right, or when a person wrote some harsh or expletive words while covertly pertaining to someone without mentioning their names of course in which the writer is aware of obviously, obliquely pointing their fingers in the air (people fix yourselves!), or maybe sharing what you feel right now if you’re happy or sad as the rich people. For the hopeless romantic, in-love people - where you can get your daily dose of love facts. Quote people - where you can fill your daily needs of inspirations, the religious people – where you’ll be guided. Chain pictures, chain letters, fast food chains some none-sense chains where you will be force to like it or share it because the picture said so or sometimes the picture is saying that something bad will happen to you or curse you if you don’t share it or like it  or the other way around! @&*^watdaf!. Anyway, moving on, according to this website (Thank you) I bet some of you won’t agree with this or won’t even bother reading this, considering you’re an avid, addicted, Facebook user.
           Twitter - enough of the trivia alright – third amongst of what I so called Social Gremlin Berserkers, twitter is “wordy” of them all. Here you’ll get to read only post or descriptions or whatever the user would post or link. It is literally literal (???) and not only that, your post are limited in 140 characters, so basically here, the definition for your post are peerlessly described in 140 characters, Topping it up – think before you right (Now pictures can be uploaded too).

          Nitty-gritty; Substantial to this is be responsible. Remember that the way you pronounce or approach a word is absolutely different from the other, which could “possibly” cause a scrambling definition to your writings or post. Be aware, be more conscious. Aside, there will always be tip-top, up to snuff and cons in mingling with these social hobbits. It’s all up to you anyway.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

     2012 The Blog for the End of the World?  isn't  that too absurd? Michael Stipe of R.E.M  was already singing his song "its the end of the world as we know it", 80's circa and yet, (i feel fine). In rhetorical with this make belief of a whole subliminal awkward stereotyped consciousness, people from all around the corner of these sphere were leaving in (imagine a sphere could have corners too) are racing to constantly blind date the end of the world. You could be one of them Scientist, taxi drivers, balut vendors, Physicist, Madam Auring, Astrologers, Dermatologist, Manny Pacquiao, Soroptimist, Barbero, Transvestite Gender-Bender, PRO-gun, PRO-baby or even the mighty Google who can give "some" adequate, straight through, addicted, highly-alcoholic influenced or vague results. God, Even these people never ends. Well its primarily just a fad, and its not a part of this teenage-angst brigade anymore as Daniel Johns would say. Its no more of the fancy era of the Jackson 5 learning to sing, or as the Beatles as four young individuals racing to become beatle Gods of the band scene. ITS JUST NOT! 
    Alright though, moving on. 2011 was my year of preparation. You have to face it come on now, we're not getting ferkin younger anymore, all this hoolla ballu of happenings are such in a rush occurring effortlessly  on a fast period of time without even wondering or even thinking cheaply of your so called, yes, "FUTURE". If there is what we call "FUTURE", why does everybody wants the exact date for the end of the world or excitedly waiting for a clue when will this happen, like "poke me when you know it already". Are you excited? well yes, how could you not be so excited to know the end of the world, when you can prepare for it, maybe make the last thing you ever want here on earth, or ironically create a shelter if the sun would hit, or do some panic buying or watch the last full show of Twilight or if your too bitterly sure it will happen maybe try killing yourself your style or make all the necessary phone calls to your loved ones. The question is are you prepared if ever this "casted" spell of summon awakening on an infinite probability ratio happens? (HAHAHA) Well, base on the way i am writing these right now, maybe i am one of them people who knows when the world will end, syke*. Hell no!. Just an advice, try to minimize or back off a little on your social gremlins interactions (Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter) and find out to yourself not on the internet, try to find it outside your comfort zone, or even outside your room or in front of your house by merely standing there maybe you'll see the real meaning of this prenominal "End of the World" halo. There is something more to these, something more interesting, something more happy, something more rich, something more lovely, something that is more meaningful and worthy and as a human of course we're capable of doing all this together at the same time on a single mind,single body at the same time. And that's what makes us human.
-So in this new year, act more, love more, be more happy, healthy more, do good, help more, work more, pray more, skype more and less talk ,less sins, less mistakes, less facebook, less twitter. Just don't cut my internet supply alright.-All of this ravish randomness are taking me back to my wonder years, or may i call it the year of the preliminary existence of fortuitous events. Sounds fun right?