Thursday, December 20, 2012

YEAR ENDER: My Techiare

Hands up!
It is when i am too ready and  prepared to write an article where the intellectual scarce strikes. Its like a freezing moment in our brain. I have to squeeze it hard enough to juice a single word. I haven't been writing or even picking up my pencil for quite a while now, my last article was way back three months ago and that was August, though i posted it only for a limited time because its little personal and controversial maybe, for me. Moving on.
I got myself back reading my past journals, and somehow I noticed the words and quite astonished. I got to ask myself, "where the F did you get these words anyway?". When a person is suffering from severe stress due to thinking excessively, her mind begins to create random scenarios of things that probably might have happen or would have happen or should have happen. There is a constant chaos wobbling our mind and somehow lately becomes the reason why we can't get enough sleep at night, lose your appetite, easily get irritated and many more other reasons. Our mental and psychological behavior is emphatically responsible for our present being. Our action towards the human connection is enormously affected. I was once venturing and loitering in that whole inter-galactic space heaven, if i can call it that way, and its not that bad, Its that part where you make mistakes or being sorry for your actions. And again i never get tired of saying this; We only learn from our greatest mistakes. What you are right now and what you have for now came from your past in whatever that may be, maybe you lost someone, you lost your parents, you lost your home because of a calamity, lost your kids, you don't have your money your broke, you lost your love, sabotaged, broken-hearted  and so much more. All these shaped you in what you have to be in your tomorrows journey. And these are all made by choice. You may succeed or fail but wherever you are, however you stand and whatever you have, its all because you have your own share of struggle. And this short writing is all i can do to preserve the memories and keep my sanity. These are gonna be my souvenirs from now and after, the memories of our lifetime. 

Again i have to ask, how's your life now? Apparently after asking this question to myself, i got a little smile that suddenly form out of nowhere, a little grin or this rapture that is surprisingly unknown but definitely you can feel it inside fumbling and tickling you in every corners. Maybe i am happy. Yezzur i am! But here's another question; "So, what makes you happy?". My answer? Maybe because things are more simple now. No fancy clothes, no make-ups. Just a pure-lucid, natural, crystal clear loving relationship with your family and friends which makes living highly refreshing. This makes you even want to live more than a hundred years. Just simply being with your family and loved ones, priceless.

There are only 5 Days left before Christmas and the end of the world is nearing, well that's according to the Mayan's prophecy. And i am not really interested with this "end of the world" thing, i don't believe it unless its there or its happening maybe. Further on, another year has about to end, 2013 is just around the bend and i guess this is gonna be my last journal for this year. It has been a year for me, 2012 did surprise me, lot of things to mention, but one of the highlight is when your forced to close a door in your life but suddenly someone would knock and without even noticing you already open the door and let them in to your life. I've seen myself to the lowest point, I've been dragged down and knocked out to some instance, then i realize what i am capable of doing, but chances and hope didn't stop streaming, a small fire burning was left and its quite enough to ignite and start a huge flame. No more proverbial complications and heartaches. This is simply the life, the life your about to build, the life you choose, the life in younger and olden years. This is the turning point of life, where realization meets reality, where you begin to open your windows and let the sunlit nourish battered grounds.

Just a short story; We have this Tea boy in the office, his name is Suman. He's from Bangladesh. He makes tea or coffee for me every single morning and afternoon, never did he missed. Sometimes were caught in a situation where sign language is so effective. So literary we can't understand each other that well. He would simply knock on my door, gave me the tea he prepared and leave the room so quickly. So i came up to this idea of teaching him some basic words so that we could start a little conversation. The good thing is he's eager to learn, Sometime he would pick up the pen and start writing some sentences or phrase for me to check if there is something wrong. So basically i was like his teacher. So this thing went on and on till now. The greatest feeling is when you pay things forward through small act of kindness. Sharing what you have and knowing that they'll benefit in the long run is so rewarding and overwhelming. It ignites the true passion of kindness and giving. I can say he's one of the highlight of my 2012.

This spell as "Franco - Sir -my techiare" 
                  -maybe im not that good at spelling?

For the wrap, i would like to thank each and everyone who made me what i am right now, my lovely family, friends, and everyone who surrounded me with love and eternal care. We can all say it was a one fantastic full of surprise year for us. Thank you for this blog, thank you friends and lovers, boys and girls.

And of course, Thank you mii dear for the BIG SMILE you placed in my heart, you know that. Thank you thank you thank you and thank you God.

"All that glimmering sparkle that our eyes once sought will always leave a picture in our hearts that will forever embrace and enlighten every single stroke of corners we bleed"