Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Finding Happiness

        How are you? How is your life now? Are you enjoying life now than before? These are few questions you may ask yourself, some sort of a  personal post-evaluation. There have been an indefinite changes in my life, some were good and some just instantly  happen without any tough reasons. I think its quite healthy at least once in a while to re-assess, to re-calibrate our directions and see if things are going the way we want them to be. How? Try asking yourself first, are you "HAPPY"? HAPPINESS - If you're going to search the internet about "how to be happy", you'll surely find numerous and countless results, like those "7 steps on how", "9 steps to be more", "10 instant keys to be" or some "20 simple ways". though internet is quite an unorthodox way in search for your happiness. (honestly i tried it several times,geeez) Literally, happiness comes in various rarities and some in particular package or sometimes we simply can't see or appreciate it whilst happiness is already inside ourselves lurking through the empty cell of sadness finding its way to your darkness and deploying itself as it extract the seed of delightfulness and joy providing rich crop towards a wealthy harvest of peace and harmony in every individual. But still we can't appreciate its existence. Why? Happiness is a choice. Simply if you choose to be happy you'll be happy, if you choose to smile you'll laugh. Our mind has the power to greatly achieve anything it desires.

These are several and personal thoughts how i define and want to define happiness:

Pay it Forward. I was really inspired by this movie. (must watch) So i said to myself, i think there is nothing wrong using the same idea. If someone grant you a favor you will definitely pay that favor back to him, right? but this time we'll pay HAPPINESS, "forward", instead of paying it back. We'll escape from the conventional "you make me happy so i will make you happy too" tenet. I think its worth trying, quite eccentric but its guaranteed fulfilling if you succeed.

Guaranty your Satisfaction. Be honest to yourself. We can "always" easily say, "yes i'm cool with that", "yes its fine like that", "yes i'm ok", but you are not. Sometimes we tend to say these things just to please other people, which is wrong. We shouldn't change ourselves for their sake. Please yourself first. It may sound selfish but bringing out the prime and the most in you makes you inimitable. Its when you show the real rainbows in you where you will be accepted for your goodness, uniqueness and simply just the way you are.

Give up on some things. If there is no reason to fight, give up. If there is no affection in love, give up. If things are becoming complicated, give up. If there is no definition, give up. If its already affecting your health, give up. There is absolutely nothing wrong accepting defeat. Accepting loss. Accepting grief. Such simple way, but the most heart-disintegrating experience. A sure fire memory marker that is vestige in our soul's surface. Yet we have to give in sometimes no matter and how much these things makes you ecstatic. Nothing is permanent. Even your deepest emotion is not permanent. Let go of the things that are holding you back because our time is so critical. We can't waste our time figuring out every little details in life. Let go,give up and stop asking questions that are impossible to answer. The more we dig deeper in to some conclusions the more complicated life can be. Let these baffles in our mind create an expedient and meaningful cohesive guidance towards our self mental and physical development. Learn from these fumbles.
Destination is not  Always Happiness. Its not how you reach rather its about how you enjoy the path before you reach. Its always good when we have our own goals in life, dreams to fulfill and plans for the future. Definitely if your a man with a mission or a man filled with raging ideas, these dreams, goals and plans are so essential to you. They are your directions. They will move your life. Why am i saying these? i have plans, i have dreams and goals to score, but some of them haven't happen yet, well in the right time i'm sure. I have reached some destinations but few to mention. Some of my plans are still being drawn into the paper, some are being erased and edited before executing. I have dreams, i have already focused my eyes on them but sometimes my sights are getting hazy. Not that i don't have a clear idea of what i really want in life or some would say "you're not yet man enough to stand for any decisions", but changes are inevitable. I can change, you can change, path and directions may change so likely your plans and goals might change as well. So i suggest to stick to the present path. Whatever path you have right now is the only path you should enrich. You have to focus on this path, and never forget to have fun along the path. I can't go beyond these whole repertoire of incessant rounds of hypothesis. These are few of life's infinite intuitions. They are nothing new. They have existed before the existence of the existent exist. All am saying is try to enjoy the journey before you reach the destination, who knows we might not even reach our destination but at least we experience vast and perpetual happiness along the way. Have fun.

Cry for sadness Smile for Happiness.  There is a perfect time for everything. Never hold back if your time is flourishing at the moment because that is the perfect arrival of a given chance and you may never see or even glimpse a piece of it someday. Happy moments happens on perfect time, if there's no sign of stopping then don't stop enjoy until it lasts. There's a time for grief, there is a time for sorrow, there is time for tears and when you feel like crying and bursting into tears, cry, because that is the perfect moment for grieving. That is the perfect time for wiping our tears. Act accordingly. We are sensitive being or social creatures, what others do affect us. Our feelings and emotions are well affixed to our humanness . Cry if you feel like crying and dance if you like moving.

STOP looking for happiness. Yes it is on the internet. It could be on your facebook, on your twitter etc.. Maybe its on your new clothes or inside your new shoes. Maybe it is on your mobile phone, maybe it is installed on your applications. Maybe its on your laptop, or your ipad, or your ipod. Maybe its on your new Beats Headphone. Maybe its on your SLR camera?. These can give us happiness. All these things. All these stuffs, but what if you're getting some harsh insulting post to your facebook? Or getting bad feeds on your twitter? What if your new clothes and shoes started to fade out? What if your laptop overheated and explode? What if your apple gadgets were faced out? What if Beats headphones become promotional items and are included in every single gadgets?
These are material things we want in life. They give us "temporary" happiness. These are priced possession. Price, which means money is immensely involve. "MONEY". Money can give you everything you want, specifically material things. Money is vital, we use it in able to sustain our daily needs of foods and water and shelter and so on. Therefore having lots of money means tons of happiness. YES!, but only for a while, temporal as i said. So money is not the answer for us to be happy. Happiness is already inside us, in our heart in our mind and in to our soul. Into our family, brothers and sisters, to our children and nephews, What they share and offer is already happiness, their presence and smiles are perfectly handcrafted to deliver a fresh inspiration we need to survive our daily struggle. They are priceless, they come in handy. 
And they are the best things you could have in your life. Family, Loved ones and friends. Ones you have them, you'll definitely stop looking in the internet. :)

Eat, Drink and Learn. This is my aphorism in life. Always try to feel your food, as much as possible eat slowly. Remember food only taste good in your mouth and when it goes down its entirely a different story. Drink but not to the point where you'll get drunk (sometimes yes) ;) and do these all with gladness, with passion and joy in your heart. Learn from every single experience in your life. They are your definition.

These are not steps on how to be happy. These are some of my personal thoughts. Life is a constant struggle, they come in various indefinite proportion. We don't even know what life has to offer, countless uncertainties, numerous complications. But asking yourself why my life is like this is a complete waste of time. Achieving perpetual happiness lies in every individual. Follow your path, be at your passion, share what you can offer, be good and avoid hurting people.   
I don't even know if tomorrows coming. But i am always thankful every single day.
Happiness is having fun and enjoying every given chance of living your present. We all have our purpose and your purpose is living the life you have now.


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Slambook: P.S I Love You

     I have to take a deep breath before writing this, hence LOVE, aha yes it is, LOVE. Have you been in love? Have you been hurt because of this LOVE thing? Geeez there is so much, let me rephrase it "SO MUCH" topic,fiddles and faddles in the internet regarding these deep interstate-ultra-mega phenomenon perplex yet profound called LOVE. Sh*t, as much as i want, i really don't prefer writing these topics here. I feel like i am writing my own slambook or something or answering, "who is your first kiss"?- my mom (yes all of us answered that) (Madedeadz ung hindi :) Who is your first Love? then all of us would humbly answer, God. Right? And most of the time honestly i enjoy answering, "What is your motto in life?".  Its a tricky question, you can either answer it in a humane approach or sometimes on a humble approach, "TIME IS GOLD, SO NOBODY IS PERFECT" hmmmm or maybe sneaking on the next page because maybe some of your friends had already finish answering their slambook so you could peak into their mottos. So these were the times where you start developing your emotional awareness, when you start to value the emotional being that you are and what you are, thus i am not saying it will all start on a slambook. At a very young age we already have that feeling, the sense of being loved, valued and cared. We aren't that much aware of it because on a young stage these sensible feelings are being spoon-fed by our family, our mother and father, sisters and brothers, friends and "LOVERS"? that was sooner than i expected :) But from the moment you start sharing it, or giving it, you will become wiser, more wiser. There is an effective emotion that will certainly alarm your senses, when to give and how to receive.

FAMILY, What is a family? On my own perspective view, This is the initial lineage were ones present personality reflect. This is your sanctuary where you are being nurtured and cultivated by good aspects and moral values. It is where you can be imperfect and still be loved. We have to bring forth in our mind that these our so called family, is the one responsible for what we are today, what you are today and wherever you are right now. LOVE is already here.

LIFE. What is life? What is your life all about? How is your life now? How do you deal with your daily life? Is your life good? How terrible is your life now? Is your life filled with over-flowing complications? You may have some of these questions bothering you right now. And how are these connected to love if love is all about giving, caring, sharing or the other way around? "INDIVIDUALITY". How much do you love yourself?  How much do you pay attention to yourself? How much are you willing to sacrifice just to satisfy yourself? How much can you trust yourself? How's the relationship between you and your soul? Yes, everyone is saying that you must learn to love yourself first before sharing it, really it was design that way, because you won't feel that love to others if you don't love yourself in the first place,right? Its natural. It's nothing new under the sun. Life has a lot to do with love. It is a decisive, substantial ingredient. Love won't exist without it.

SOCIETY  is in a constant motion. What is the connection between society and Love? You will meet people, bond with trends influencing yourself and tasting colors that blends between the you and me. This is an introduction to the outer glaze of human connection, where society jives along your misguided freshly path towards a bona fide social interaction. It plays a big role. How will you accept the society or how will you be accepted by the society. The connection between the outside world and yourself.  There are only two things, either, you will be loved or hated because of your actions.

DELIGHTFULNESS. Anyone who feels loved, valued or cared is delighted. There is an apperceive tenderness of soothe and joy when you are in love.(nakanaman) It gives the soul a vibrant positivity of flowing bold ideas. Love is pleasant, charming, dandy, alluring, refreshing, satisfying and everything. Such this could offer us all those wonderful things. (it really feels like im writing like a kid) How sweet it is to feel loved. How colorful your life would be if your existence is bountiful with it. Who doesn't want to be loved?

SADNESS. If love is abundant, absolutely there is pain, sorrows or tears, bitterness on so on. When you lost someone, when someone just left you, when someone didn't give back the love you deserve. How will these situations affect your personality? How will you handle grief? How will you face a crowded room full of expectations? A simple question resides on HOW? Every little bit of it is HOW.

ACCEPTANCE. Nothing more nothing less. It is the hardest part.  YEZZER it is.

CHOICES. From the famous author Paul Arden. There is no such thing as "wrong decision". Life is all about decisions. Whatever decision you make is the only one you could make, otherwise you would make a different one. Everything we do we choose. So what is there to regret? You are the person you choose to be.

LEARN-EDUCATE. So now we have to feed our mind. This is part of LIFE, growing as an INDIVIDUAL, full of LOVE and DELIGHTNESS, ACCEPTING grief and SADNESS, CHOOSING and DECIDING, and LEARNING from the parable of this SOCIETY.
So what is LOVE  There will always be questions surrounding this prominent high rise or the other way rubbish and gibberish word LOVE. It'll never end. It is infinite, it is loyal, it is betrayal, it is greedy-selfish, it is generously-abundant. 

So how can you tell a person that you love her/him so much?
     Its easy, ill start it, by saying I LOVE YOU!, to define, you will always be the center of my being, where my soul and mind had brought me, to cherish the chance of defining my forever. i want you to be happy not to the extent of time you are only given, instead to be happy along the journey. 

Well that's for me. What's yours? :)

FACTAL: By the time you finish saying "I LOVE YOU", about 20,000 cells in your body will have died and been replaced with new ones.
So. I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU ALL that is equivalent to 40,000 now.