trivia : A portrait of my (lolo) grandfather. 88yrs old
-talking about the roots.
artist : frigor
-talking about the roots.
artist : frigor
>unfinished design
>perfect fit : forearm.
>trivia : Arabic inspired name
>artist : frigor
>copyright may 2011

>unfinished design
>perfect fit : left chest, left forearm
>trivia : polynesian inspired/ a left cut heart/ hopeless heart
>artist : frigor
>copyright may 2011
>unfinished design
>perfect fit : back center piece, forearm with other design
>trivia : celtic, polynesian, continuity of life
>artist : frigor
>copyright may 2011
>perfect fit : back piece
>trivia : boredom, emotional stress, blind idea
>artist : frigor
>copyright june 2011

>trivia : musical symbols, my personal guitar f-hole (ibanez AM73tbr)
>perfect fit : forearm , side parts
>artist : frigor
>copyright june 2011
>trivia : polynesian, single heart
>perfect fit : arms, shoulder, chest
>artist : frigor
>copyright june 2011
>trivia : falter, blame me
>perfect fit : back piece, sides
>artist : frigor
>copyright june 2011
Mask is used in Japanese Noh theater, representing a jealous female demon or serpent.
>artist : frigor
>copyright june 2011
>trivia : Hand in hand
>artist : frigor
>copyright june 2011
>trivia : Hannya Mask (japanese) One tradition states that this name was given to this mask because it was the name of an artist monk Hannya-bô who is said to have perfected its creation.Mask is used in Japanese Noh theater, representing a jealous female demon or serpent.
>artist : frigor
>copyright june 2011